I recently got to design some invitations for a wedding shower. The customer had some ideas that she shared.
…the colors for the wedding are navy, gold and white. I would love a bit of floral designs and a taupe background if that make sense. I would like a trendy design for the theme.
I made three basic designs, two of them having an alternate idea. For this invite, both of these variations use shadows to give a sense of depth to the invite. One design uses a bold floral pattern as “background”. One of the variations show one as the floral pattern set as vertical bands on both sides, casting shadows into the center area, which contains the text.

The alternate version has the central text component in a rounded corner rectangle casting a shadow onto the floral design.

For the “Garden Flower” design, I chose a very colorful floral design, which I was able to create an overlay of some of the flowers, and drop shadows to increase the feeling of depth.

The final design is a much more traditional invitation, with a central rectangle with a single stroke border on top of a blue floral pattern. The text component has a hint of transparency to evoke the appearance of an semi-translucent vellum overlay.

The vellum overlay effect also occurs in the alternate design in which the central rectangle is extended from top to bottom rather than a centered component.

Various assets from FreePik.com (denamorado, rawpixel.com, rawpixel.com, exnico, pikisuperstar, GarryKillian)
Tools: Illustrator, InDesign