Design To The MX

I want my MX!

My rebound to contest on Dribbble for reimagining of the Logitech MX brand. Something about the idea just reminded me of the early bumpers on MTV that quickly flashed different versions of the MTV logo.


Logitech MX Master Series are performance mice and keyboards designed so creatives can create, make, and do at the speed of thought.

The gorgeous MX idents on the left were conceived to celebrate the infinite creative possibilities they enable. Now we want to see yours.

We’re calling on creatives to design their own MX ident in any style imaginable. Still or motion, 2D or 3D—just riff off the same MX letterform.

The top ten submitters will win a free MX Master 3 for Mac and MX Keys for Mac for the ultimate creative setup.

Tools: Illustrator

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